
Raymond Hanizet - Vienne

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Tél : 04 74 85 11 81

Atelier - Galerie


Still Life





Artist Professional Painter, member of the House of the Artists of Paris.

The Artist

He was born in Vienne (France) on December 4, 1949. He begins to be interested in the Art near 1964 thanks to the meeting with his friend René ROCHE, painter sculptor today disappeared….

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His Home

It’s in 1963 that Raymond Hanizet decides on to come to live in this house which he is completely going to renew to install there his studio and a Gallery where are exposed more than 600 original paintings….

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His Works

Can move equally from one to the other : charcoal or pastel drawing, sanguine, water-colour, acrylic or painting with metals….

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